Polish cadastral system and ISO 19152

Jarosław Bydłosz
AGH University of Science and Technology In Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


Poland as a European Union Member State is obliged to meet the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive. According to the article 7 of the Directive, when preparing national implementing rules the existing initiatives and international standards serving harmonization of spatial data sets and services should be taken into account.
In December 2012, the international standard ISO 19152 “Land Administration Domain Model” was published. This standard provides a reference model for building systems concerning widely understood land administration.
At present, final works connected with preparation and publication of amended ordinance on grounds and buildings cadastre are under way. This ordinance includes, inter alia, a new conceptual (UML) model of grounds and buildings cadastre data.
In the paper an attempt was made to evaluate the influence and requirements of ISO 19152 towards Polish cadastral model, defined in the draft ordinance. The preliminary conclusion drawn as the result of performed research is that the Polish cadastral system meets the requirements of ISO 19152.


ISO 19152; LADM; cadastre; Grounds and Buildings Cadastre; INSPIRE; UML

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Bydłosz J., 2012a: Preliminary works on leading Polish cadastral model into conformance with LADM. GIS for geoscientists: scientific monograph. Zagreb: Hrvatski Informatički Zbor – GIS Forum, 86-92.

Bydłosz J., 2012b: Uwarunkowania implementacji katastralnego modelu administrowania terenem w Polsce. Roczniki Geomatyki, t. 10, z. 2: 17-24, PTIP Warszawa.

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