The influence of flow routing algorithm on the results of RUSLE-based catchment-wide erosion risk assessment

Wojciech Drzewiecki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering

Sebastian Ziętara
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering


The objective of the presented research was to evaluate the influence of flow routing algorithm on RUSLE-based soil erosion assessment on catchment scale. Both, the amount of soil loss and the pattern of erosion risk classes were compared. Seven flow routing algorithms were tested: D8, Rho8, Kinematic Routing, DEMON, D, Multiply Flow Direction (MFD) and Triangular Multiply Flow Direction (MD).
Based on the results achieved, we can conclude that the choice of flow routing algorithm influences the soil erosion risk assessment. Particular approaches gave similar results when total area of endangered soils in the catchment was considered. However, the patterns of erosion differ. Multiple-direction algorithms (especially DEMON) seem to be better suited for water erosion studies.


water erosion; RUSLE; flow routing; sensitivity assessment

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