Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in the Land Use theme – monitoring indicators for Poland 2012

Andrzej Affek
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization
Department of Geoecology and Climatology


The article aims to present the main results of the survey "Land use in the municipalities", conducted in mid-2012 by UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre in consortium with the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IGSO PAS) on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy. The study was designed to assess the degree of implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in the Land use theme of Annex III.
The evaluation of sample representativeness is included in the paper. The main results of the work are values of monitoring indicator DSi1.3 in the Land use theme for the year 2012 along with confidence intervals for alpha = 0.05 for two different variants of defining the relevant area. It is worth noting that this is the first attempt to estimate the indicator for Poland (in 2012), despite the fact that monitoring is mandatory since 2009.
The article also outlines the requirements for monitoring progress in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, together with an explanation of terms actual area and relevant area in the land use context.


INSPIRE Directive; Land use; monitoring indicators

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