3D Double Buffering method in the process of construction of a hydrographic reporting site plane using geodata obtained by swath sounder

Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


The main element that contributes significantly to the safety of navigation is information about the depth in the given area. Appropriate collection, preparation and presentation of bathymetric data lies with the hydrograph. These tasks are executed based on modern measurement equipment. The paper uses bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of the Port of Szczecin with the use of interferometric 250 kHz sonar GeoSwath Plus installed on the floating test laboratory Hydrograf XXI. Interferometric sonar allows to collect a very large number of samples in a relatively short time. The data collected during the acquisition are subject to filtration. Despite filtration, samples constitute too large set of data. The procedure to reduce the size of the dataset is the data reduction. Bathymetric data are presented on a hydrographic reporting site plane. An important task for the hydrographer is to prepare the site plane in such a way that it is legible and the data presented therein comply with the relevant guidelines. The paper examines the capabilities of Caris software for the reduction of data. The data used in the study are an irregular set and include a set of 22116 samples with specified position and the value of depth. The first stage of the research was to create a grid of measurement points in the Caris software, from which specific TIN was created. The next step was to establish the resulting surface, which will be subject to smoothing using the 3D Double Buffering method. The data are reduced depending on the adopted scale of the reporting site plane. After applying the test method, four smooth surfaces were obtained, which were used to create a hydrographic reporting site plane.


geodata processing; hydrography; multibeam sonar

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