Terminology defining registers of spatial data resources as a normative source of National Spatial Information Infrastructure

Tomasz Nałęcz
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warsaw

Krystyna Michałowska
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying


In general understanding, registers that belong to the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource are reference data sets. However, also data obtained and processed in line with accepted standards and guidelines within the framework of tasks of leading authorities competent for particular INSPIRE themes may and should be considered as core data (standard, reference, base, fundamental, normative data). Lack of an unequivocal indication of reference data often results in lack of cohesion of data within the scope of a single theme, mainly due to utilization of various reference data in works on a given theme, which data are usually characterized by different accuracy degrees. Therefore, there exists a need for specifying uniform rules and procedures, which would be describing model sets for resources within particular fields, and for determining expressly, which data should be considered and utilized as reference data in works on the given themes.
As a result of undertaken analysis the authors attempt at systematizing and sorting out terminologies that define resource types.


spatial information infrastructure; reference data; core data; INSPIRE; terminology

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