Generalisation operators of buildings

Krystian Kozioł
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


The legal regulations as regards functioning of the spatial data resources in Poland entail interoperability, harmonisation and automation of processes. The assumed automation concerns, among others, the digital generalization of DLM, which should allow multirepresentation of data. In the case of Georeference Database of Topographic Objects GBDOT the generalisation process is also employed during collection and updating of data. It is possible to satisfy the requirement of high automation level if the conditions of data orderliness, classification and hierarchisation are fulfilled and unambiguity of the process is ensured. The author’s research focuses on automation of the generalisation process. It consists in defining the algorithms for generalisation operators, taking into account the drawing recognisability norm. The following operators were examined: simplification, elimination, rectangularisation, shifting, joining and typification.
The use of the drawing recognisability norm eliminates the parameter, which has been hitherto determined by the user for the generalisation operators. As a result, the unambiguity of the generalisation process is preserved and its verification is possible.


generalization; generalisation operators; standard of drawing recognition

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