Spatial analyses for the needs of geoinformation sea port protection system

Witold Kazimierski
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


The main goal of the system under consideration is to improve port security operations by monitoring security guards, both ashore and on boats and visualising these data on precise two-dimensional and three-dimensional charts. Test implementation of the system will take place in general cargo port of Szczecin. The system consists of a few modules supplementing each other and creating a comprehensive solution for spatial data processing. The heart of the system is the map module, which includes high quality 2D and 3D electronic charts, based on Electronic Navigational Charts. Apart from the data, this module provides also information tools for spatial analysis. The system assumptions indicate that such analysis will be performed only on 2D chart, while 3D remains a tool for effective photorealistic visualisation. The analysis will be performed with the use of vector data; raster data will be used only for background overview. The aim of the provided analysis is to supply operator with information about hazards and security treatment in real time. The major analyses used in the system are: buffering and distance analysis; selection of objects; viewshed analysis; network analysis.
Buffering in this case means mostly drawing a safety zone around hazardous cargo and around places of dangers. Selection of objects is implemented both as selection by attributes and selection by location and integration of both of them. Viewshed analysis is in fact determination of visibility range for visual sensors, based on measurements of visibility, taking into account the time of day. Network analyses are mostly for route planning (including time calculation for adjusted speed) for water and land patrols.
In the first part of the paper, the concept of the system is presented together with its architecture, major functions and users. Then, individual analyses are presented, showing the need of their introduction, basics of the algorithms and selected results in the form of screenshots of the implemented system.


spatial analysis; port security; GIS

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