Proposal for comprehensive modernization of land and buildings register in Poland - report on 13 pilot projects

Stanisław Zaremba
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography


Land and buildings register in Poland requires modernization in order to convert it into a real estate cadastre complying with European standards. To speed up this modernization, the Surveyor General of Poland carried out pilot projects on 13 test areas as reference sites. The results of this work served as the base for identifying five typical types of areas in Poland, along with the expected scope of their modernization, with special attention given to rural areas. The paper provides criteria for selecting reference sites, including historical considerations of cadastre source documentation, as well as conclusions regarding technical and economic factors that are intended to be used in the modernization works of the land and buildings register.


real estate cadastre; modernization of land and buildings register; land and mortgage registers; Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)

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