Register of towns, streets and addresses

Marcin Leończyk
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography


The amendment of March 2010 to the Geodetic and Cartographic Law, in place of the current register of the real estate serial numbers introduced a new register - a state register of towns, streets and addresses, extending the range of previously collected data to spatial and descriptive data pertaining to towns and streets and addresses.
The Register of Towns, Streets and Addresses is a public register, which plays a major role in functioning of the State. This register together with a set of plates with serial numbers of buildings and a set of plates with the names of streets and addresses is a part of the national address system. Address data are increasingly used and they are an integral part of many public records and information systems, both public and private.
The information contained in the above mentioned register is available by network services in form of: electronic documents in GML format, notifications, lists of building addresses, address points maps, and certificates. The process of adaptation by municipalities of existing technical solutions and existing data to the requirements set out by the legislation in 2010-2012 is still in place.


register of towns, streets and addresses; address point

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