From Integrating Electronic Platform to Integrated Cadastral System – summary of pilot projects

Artur Kapuściński
Centralny Ośrodek Dokumentacji Geodezyjnej i Kartograficznej, Warszawa


The paper is aimed at familiarizing readers with building of the Integrated Cadastral System. In the paper, organizational requirements and conditions are presented as well as legal acts and technical requirements which determine the scope and shape of the system.
The paper contains a short description of the currently functioning system of Integrating Electronic Platform (IEP), which is assumed to serve as basis for construction of Integrated Cadastral System. Basic functional requirements presented reflect formal requirements arising from existing and designed legal acts. Particular attention was given to technical aspects and assumptions resulting from specific features of ICS, which should ensure interoperability with other systems (registers). Selected technical assumptions and technological variants were tested within the framework of the project „Integrated Cadastral System, Stage I Temporary Action - Pilot Project”. Two different pilot projects were implemented and their assumptions and final effects were described in the paper.


Integrated Cadastral System; Integrating Electronic Platform; interoperability; public registers

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