Global aspects of geospatial information management

Jerzy Gaździcki
Council of Spatial Information Infrastructure
Polish Association for Spatial Information


The paper is devoted to the problems of global and regional geospatial information management. The following issues are presented:
• the UN initiative on global geospatial information management (GGIM),
• coordination of activities of international geospatial organizations,
• development of GIS infrastructure for Asia and Pacific,
• development of geospatial information infrastructure for Americas,
• other geospatial initiatives of international importance,
• long standing experience of the United States in building NSDI.
This review of initiatives, actions and experiences allows to formulate conclusions interesting from the point of view of Poland building national spatial information infrastructure (IIP) as a part of the European region infrastructure (INSPIRE), and in this way contributing also to global geospatial information management.


spatial information; geospatial information; geospatial information management; GGIM; PCGIAP; CP-IDEA; FGDC

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