The Topographic Objects Database in projects of the Marshal Office of the Malopolska Voivodeship and its units

Justyna Bachowska
Marshal Office of the Malopolska Voivodeship in Krakow

Piotr Łyczko
Marshal Office of the Malopolska Voivodeship in Krakow


The Topographic Objects Database constitutes a precious source of information about objects, but it predominantly contains topographic vector data which is a basic source of thematic studies at the voivodeship (provincial) level.
The paper presents projects carried out in 2011 by the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Voivodeship and the Provincial Road Authority in Kraków as well as projects in progress executed by the above mentioned institutions.
One of the environmental projects has been presented in detail, namely: “The inventory of pollution emission carried out for the purpose of updating the air protection programme in Małopolska Voivodeship.” Currently, the Topographic Objects Database is to a large extent used in environmental projects, such as drafting acoustic maps, drafting maps of the proposed acoustic protection and the areas of limited use, drafting maps of pollution concentration or maps of inhabitants’ exposure to poor quality air.
Experience with the use of Topographic Objects Database allows to formulate a conclusion that the database presents an appropriate source for carrying out tasks of spatial planning at the voivodeship level.


Topographic Objects Database; emission of pollutants; map composition

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