Using characteristics based on crown height model in double sampling method of forest stock inventory

Stanisław Miścicki
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry

Krzysztof Stereńczak
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry


The paper presents an analysis of selected tree and tree stand characteristics measured on aerial-lidar samples, in terms of their usefulness for remote and automatic determination of the growing stock volume. Characteristics specified for single trees were based on Crown Height Model (CHM). The study was conducted in mountainous area, in the south-western part of the Stołowe Mountains National Park. Seven stand and tree characteristics based on CHM and single tree segmentation were analyzed. The variability of the dependent features – growing stock volume on the sample plots - were best explained by the following independent variables: the average height of trees (HL) and the multiplication of the sum of crown volume (VZ) and the total tree height (SUMH) within the sample plot area. The obtained multiple correlation coefficient for those features was relatively high and significant (R=0.820, P <0.001).


Laser Scanning (ALS); forestry; Stołowe Mountains National Park; modeling

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