The Polish Archeological Record as an Element of Spatial Information Infrastructure
At first, the origin of the research and conservation program “Polish Archeological Record - AZP” is presented as a result of many-year experience in archeological surface research dating back to the end of 19th century. For nearly 40 years, the archeologists conducted research on the area of 270,000 sq. km. The documents used by the archeologists so far are: 1) AZP „areas”, i.e. sheets of A4 size (5x7.5 km, 37.5 km2) of the map of Poland at a scale of 1:25 000, 2) recording cards with descriptive and graphic information of AZP sites which are identified by area identifier with a site sequential number within the area.
Within the AZPGEO project spatial and descriptive information from the AZP cards is transferred into a digital database. The scope of works includes: 1) verification of spatial data about immovable archelogical monuments; 2) harmonization of the AZP data with SDI; 3) testing of the standards established within the framework of building an integrated information system about monuments; 4) assessment of quality of the AZP network; 5) creating WMS, WFS services of the Polish Archeological Record in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive; 6) improvement of management and protection of the archeological heritage in Torun.
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Źródło internetowe
NID, 2011:,1048,digitalizacja-zabytkow-i-muzealiow.html