Accessibility study of a selected location using network analysis functions

Piotr Cichociński
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics

Ewa Dębińska
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


The accessibility is a parameter determining the ease of access to a designated place, when moving one's own means of transportation or with the use of public transport.
This paper presents the algorithm that allows the accessibility determination of desired location. In this study the authors paid particular attention to accessibility for non-motorized people using public transport. Therefore, the analysis takes into account both the time to reach the bus stop, and the travel time of public transport vehicle. OpenStreetMap database is used as a data source for network analysis.
The work was conducted in two stages. In the first step, after appropriate preparation of data, the Origin-Destination Cost Matrix function was used to estimate travel time from individual stops to the destination. Next, the service areas around the stops, indicating the ability to reach them in pedestrian traffic, were determined. The functionality of the tools was used, allowing the application of the initial value of resistance in the analysis, which permitted to take into account the waiting time at the bus stop and the time of the following journey.
The analyses made it possible to identify areas with the best access to the city centre using public transport, and to identify those which, although located relatively close to the centre, are difficult to access. The results may be helpful for people choosing where to live, both considering buying real estate and rental. The analysis of this type may also help to identify shortcomings of public transportation networks.


network analysis; accessibility; OpenStreetMap; geographic information system

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