Population density map for the city of Cracow – suggested methodology and application

Tomasz Pirowski
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering

Wojciech Drzewiecki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering


The paper presents an original method for developing a population density map for the city of Cracow. In the process of making the map there were used aerial orthophotomaps and some generally accessible data about the population within the constituencies in Cracow. Additionally, the city map and, in some districts, the base maps were used. The mentioned materials provided the basis to establish the constituency boundaries. They were obtained in the process of vectorisation of the aerial orthophotomap. The interpretation of orthophotomap allowed to derive detailed information about the location and types of accommodation (detached houses, tenement houses, blocks of flats).
Dasymetric method was applied to obtain the results of spatial distribution of population density. The starting point was the real number of people registered in each constituency. The distribution of population within each of these areas was estimated on the basis of an iterative process of establishing proportions among different types of accommodation. Such a population map was processed into a raster map (25m x 25m).
The paper also presents possible uses of this type of information to produce various spatial analyses in such fields as public transport, crises management, urban planning, location planning and geomarketing.


dasymetric maps; statistical data; population density; photo interpretation

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