Selecting the scale range of geo-visualisation within the GIS services vs. accuracy of source data

Michał Kukułka
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography


Both free access to various spatial data sources available on the Internet and the possibility of creating cartographic presentations individually by numerous users, force professional cartographers to face new challenges. Therefore, a cartographer, who is involved in the process of establishing GIS services, should be responsible for setting specific rules that would support users’ activities. In this context, mitigating the risk of introducing serious mistakes in the cartographic message should be seen as the main objective. One of such rules may involve defining correct scale range for geo-visualisation within the accuracy of the presented spatial data.
In order to ensure usability of the service and correct cartographic message, it is necessary to add functions that would moderate the process of adding subsequent sources of data to the mechanisms that are responsible for this process, e.g. by using the embedded wizard-like functionality of the GIS service, which leads the user step by step through the process. Such a wizard, which in the first place helps with adding new data sources to the geo-composition, should also be able to interpret the data accuracy on the basis of metadata of the source. Moreover, the wizard should suggest the recommended scale range by providing important details about those information layers that could be displayed simultaneously. Proposed solutions have the potential to significantly extend the range of technologies and Web Services currently used, including WMS and WFS.


geovisualisation; Internet map services; Internet maps; geoportals; GIS

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