Using of GLDAS database and Open Source tools in soil moisture research

Mateusz Kędzior
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Environmental Engineering

Karol Przeździecki
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Environmental Engineering

Jarosław Zawadzki
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Environmental Engineering


GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) is a global-range database, which resources are available to the public free of charge. GLDAS provides relevant information useful in large-area soil research - variables stored in the database describe inter alia soil temperature, precipitation rate, atmospheric pressure, evapotranspiration, surface runoff and soil moisture on several deep levels.
In order to obtain the highest quality information, the data are modelled with the use of both satellite and ground- based measurements. In order to use reliable terrain model and for predicting its impact on the obtained results, GLDAS uses one of the four Digital Elevation Models.
The database provides data for latitudes from -60 ° to 90 ° and longitudes from -180 ° to 180 °, taking into account the whole of the EU (which is important for the implementation of INSPIRE Directive), while providing a spatial resolution of at least 1 geographical degree.
The paper presents in a systematic and detailed manner the ability to execute a comprehensive analysis based on GLDAS data and open source tools. In particular, the feasibility of remote analysis are presented, allowing to carry out complex calculations on large data sets directly on the server and are described as communication with the server GDS using the DODS protocol on soil moisture parameters as examples.


GLDAS; soil moisture; open source

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Kędzior M.A., 2011: Badania zasobu wody związanej w glebie i pokrywie roślinnej przy pomocy obserwacji satelitarnych z wykorzystaniem wybranych wskaźników wegetacyjnych. Praca dyplomowa magisterska, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa.

DODS, 2011: Opis protokołu.

Rui H., 2011: Read me document for Global Land Data Assimilation System Version 2 (GLDAS-2) Products. ftp:// data/s4pa/ GLDAS/GLDAS_NOAH025_3H_E1.002/ doc/README.GLDAS2.pdf

LDAS, 2012: Pomoc techniczna na stronie GSFC.