Towards a system for disseminating and exchanging knowledge about georeference database

Tomasz Berus
Intergraph Poland, Warsaw

Bartłomiej Bielawski
Intergraph Poland, Warsaw

Paweł Kowalski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography

Robert Olszewski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography

Agata Pillich-Kolipińska
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography


Effective implementation of the spatial information infrastructure in Poland, especially extensive use of spatial data collected in the official reference database, requires not only completing the BDOT project, but also disseminating knowledge about the topographic database’s structure, its relevance, geometrical accuracy and the possibility of using it in many areas.
According to the authors, using a system based on WIKI technology would be beneficial for spreading knowledge about georeference database. A research project, still being conducted by the authors, among its many aspects involves the WIKI-website development. This website will not only provide users with expert status to formulate the rules for knowledge base, but also will act as an information system of the Poland’s official reference database.
The knowledge base of solutions used for creating, using and developing BDOT and TBD databases will be an integral part of this system. It will be published as a series of articles. Using WIKI technology allows using built-in tools for creating links between articles, which will streamline the process of publishing as well as using them by external users. Access rights diversification will ensure the accuracy of information provided on the website.
This information will become a key channel of knowledge dissemination and will also be supplemented by a description of other reference databases, their history and definitions associated with them. The technological aspects of creating multiresolution reference database, along with examples of cartographic visualization will be described as well.
The users of the system will be able to see the developed methodology of analysis and visualization of reference data. On the other hand, the portal will hopefully become a place for exchanging comments and asking questions, which will allow experts to refine and modify the methods and technologies used in the mentioned databases development, as well as to conduct research on correctness of cartographic communication. The authors hope that the portal will become a popular information source for users and will promote innovative geo-information solutions among the users at different levels of education.


georeference data base; WIKI technology; geoportal

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